For employees and students at the Department of Biomedicine
Useful shortcuts that make life easier
Main content
- Internal pages for The Department of Biomedicine
- Booking of seminar rooms at the Department is now done through Outlook Calandar
- Technical support division "Fellesavdelingen"
- Biomed HSE - HSE-information at the Department of Biomedicine
Technical and IT
- UiBhjelp - The UiBhelp Service Portal
- Lydia - To report maintenance issues or ask for help with transport, UiB estate and facilities division (Login through dataporten)
- IT-help - Website of the University's central IT department
- Email/Microsoft 365 online - Outlook-mail,
- UiBtilgang - Common access control for IT services
- Core Facilities at the Faculty of Medicine
Lab safety
- The HSE-gateway at the University
Report HSE non-conformities -, provides preventive training and advice on what to do in an emergency
- EcoOnline (for personal users)
- Mitt UiB
- Room scedule
- Examination Dates and Locations
- Quality in Studies and Education
- Faculty of Medicine Student Information Centre