Masters programme
The Department of Biomedicine offers master's thesis projects for students in the following fields: biomedical sciences, pharmacy, nanoscience and human nutrition.

Main content
The Department of Biomedicine is situated in a new and well equipped research building (Bygg for biologiske basalfag; BBB) close to Haukeland University Hospital. Our researchers cover a wide array of interesting research fields, and you can read about the research groups at the department, or have a look at examples of previous master's thesis projects in Cristin. Several of the courses offered as part of the master's degree can be included in a bachelor- or master's degree at other departments/faculties, or in a PhD degree.
Contact information:
About the master's programme in biomedical sciences:
The Master's Programme in Biomedical Sciences presents a medical approach to physiology and molecular biology and offers you the opportunity to engage in biomedical research. The program is administered by the Department of Biomedicine where all the teaching takes place. Courses from other departments/faculties/institutions may be included in the degree. Our master students are active participants in a research environment of high international standard, facilitating for student exchange with international institutions our researchers have cooperation with. Information about the Master's Programme in Biomedical Sciences can be found here.
About supervision of students from other master's programmes:
The department also offers supervision of master's thesis for other student groups, among others pharmacy, nanoscience, and molecular biology. Please click on the different topics for detailed information about the master's programmes.