Defining and Integrating Essential NCD Interventions into National Health Systems in Tanzania
Updating the national Essential Health Care and Intervention Package (NEHCIP) in Tanzania
Whitesands Hotel, 2022. From left, Castory Munisi, Grace John, Harrieth Ndumwa, Oddvar Kaarboe, Amani Mori and Ritha Willilo
Courtesy of Amani Mori
Main content
NEHCIP Tanzania is led by Oddvar Kaarboe, Amani Thomas Mori and George Ruhago. Ritha Willilo is the PhD candidate and Harrieth Ndumwa and Castory Munisi are the masters students in Bergen. In addition, four students; Annia Ibrahim Ndossa, Othman Haji, Jonas Ignas Mwanadyogo and Selemani, Abdi Youndu, are enrolled in the MSc. Health Economics and Policy program at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS). The 4-year project started in 2022. One of the aims is to provide decision support to the Ministry of Health (MoH) to help update the National Essential Health Care and Intervention Package (NEHCIP) for Tanzania.
Original project plan
The original objective for the Tanzania project team was to provide decision support to the Ministry of Health to help define and implement the Benefits Package for Non-Communicable Diseases and Injuries (NCDIs) and build the capacity at the Ministry of Health in priority-setting and health economics through masters and PhD training. Therefore, from early 2022 BCEPS did a lot of consultative meetings with Ministry of Health, the President Office-Regional Administration and Local Government Authority (PO-RALG), MUHAS, the NCD Alliance, PharmAccess-Tanzania, the World Health Organization-country office, PEN and PEN Plus projects focal persons and other stakeholders.
Change of plan from Late 2022
Full revision of the National Essential Health Care and Intervention Package (NEHCIP)
In late 2022, a major change to the original project plan took place during the consultative meeting with the Ministry of Health, the ministry requested that the project activity undertake the revision of the NEHCIP-2013 covering the whole health system including the NCDI package. The MoH and WHO had developed a concept note for the revision of NEHCIP, but was not yet approved by the MoH. In early 2023, BCEPS and WHO presented the Concept note to the Steering committee, which approved it.
Consultative meeting at WHO Tanzania. From right, Fedjo Gilbert (WHO), Kjell Arne Johanson, George Ruhago, Alphoncina Nanai, Mary Mayige (hidden), Omar Mwalimu and Amani Mori
Courtesy of Amani Mori
BCEPS meeting with the Ministry of Health Officials
Courtesy of Amani Mori
Broad objective
To support Tanzania to update the National Essential Health Care and Intervention Package (NEHCIP-Tz) using standardized methods for priority-setting and evaluation.
Specific Objectives
To further facilitate and support the identification of cost-effective interventions for inclusion in the basic NEHCIP
To support the integration of cost-effective interventions in the NEHCIP using the life course approach at different levels of the healthcare system and delivery strategies
To train national experts, particularly at MoH and PO-RALG in health economics and priority setting to build their competence to conduct evidence-based selection of essential health interventions for UHC
Three of the MSc students being trained by BCEPS at MUHAS. From left, Othman Haji, Joseph Ignas, Oddvar Kaarboe and Selemani Youndu
Courtesy of Amani Mori
Milestones achieved by December 2022
MoU between BCEPS and MUHAS
MoU with MoH
Recruitment of PhD candidate Ritha Willilo, formely working with WHO
Recruitment of 2 master candidates (Harieth Ndumwa and Castory Munisi) at UiB from Tanzania
Recruitment of 4 master candidates (Annia Ibrahim Ndossa, Othman Haji, Jonas Ignas Mwanadyogo and Selemani, Abdi Youndu) to be trained at MUHAS
Completion of a roadmap for updating the NEHCIP
Updating the national Essential Health Care and Intervention Package (NEHCIP) in Tanzania
Is part of a multi-country Essential NCD Interventions Project
Tanzania team project leaders: Oddvar Kaarboe, Amani Thomas Mori and George Ruhago.
Funding: NORAD
Duration: Jan 2022 - Dec 2025
Implementing Partner: Centre for Integration Science in Global Health Delivery (CIS), Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH)