Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health (BCEPS)

News archive for Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health (BCEPS)

The Takemi Program is organised by the Department of Global Health and Population at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Epidemiology experts Kenneth Rothman, Vera Ehrenstein and Matthew Fox travelled to Bergen as visiting lecturers for the Centre for Intervention Science in Maternal and Child Health (CISMAC).
From 28-30 April 2022, the 13th International Society for Priorities in Health (ISPH) Conference was organised as an innovative digital event with local and regional hubs.
The agreement will strengthen ongoing work to improve public health in African Union (AU) member states and give more people access to basic health services.
Leading experts gather to discuss global health priorities. Do not miss the ISPH Conference from 28-30 April.
BCEPS and Africa CDC are looking for motivated candidates to work on generating evidence for defining and implementing essential NCD Universal Health Care (UHC) packages in Africa.
Researchers at UiB have developed a calculator that can estimate how many life years you could gain by modifications in diet patterns.
Healthcare is a place of healing, but as a major polluter it is also a source of harm. In this public science lecture, BCEPS PhD candidates Anand Bhopal and Emily McLean discussed the feasibility, responsibility and ultimate desirability of healthcare decarbonisation.
Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS) is looking for highly motivated candidates to join its expanding team and work on defining and integrating essential NCD interventions in Ghana, Nepal and Tanzania.
A recording of this interesting UiB seminar (in Norwegian) organised by the University of Bergen Faculty of Medicine on Saturday 20 November is now available on YouTube.
This news item was originally written in connection with a Trond Mohn Foundation event that was to have taken place in December 2021. The event was cancelled due to Covid but the content of the article touches base with some of BCEPS' achievements to date.
BCEPS will extend its UHC decision support to three new countries and Africa CDC, in partnership with the Center for Integration Science in Global Health Delivery at Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
In an Editorial in the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association, Anand Bhopal (BCEPS PhD candidate) and Sofie Haugan Shrivastava (Medical Student, University of Bergen) call for a green transformation of the health service.
We are happy to announce that this fall BCEPS in collaboration with the CIH/CISMAC research school can offer a brand new course on quantitative methods for studying equity and poverty impact in health. This course is available to PHD students, (Interested Postdocs and senior researchers can also be eligible.) The course is full time from 15.11.21 – 19.11.21 (2 ECTs)
BCEPS is one of seven applicants from the University of Bergen to reach the final round of the Research Council of Norway's Centre of Excellence (SFF) initiative with its proposal for a Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health.
Congratulations to BCEPS PhD candidates Lelisa Fekadu and Getachew Teshome on successfully defending their doctoral theses this spring.
BCEPS has published recordings of its inaugural seminar series on Climate Change and Priority Setting in Health.
BCEPS collaborator Jesse B. Bump of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is lead author of two important articles, published as part of BMJ's Covid-19 collection, The Road to Equity and Solidarity.
