News archive for Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health (BCEPS)
The fourth edition of Disease Control Priorities (DCP-4) builds on a series of publications that was started 3 decades ago by the World Bank. The University of Bergen is hosting the Secretariat for this multi-year project that is led by BCEPS initiator and former director Ole Frithjof Norheim (Harvard University; University of Bergen). DCP-4 consists of four volumes, and Volume 1 is published on... Read more
A successful BCEPS International Symposium 2024 with many of our international partners comes to a close. The BCEPS International Symposium is held at Solstrand Hotel in Os, Norway, every year.
50 by 50—How can we reduce the probability of dying before age 70 by 50% globally by 2050? A team of 50 leading international experts, the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health (CIH), which has six members affiliates with BCEPS, found that this goal can be reached by focusing on just 15 priority health conditions and suggest cost-effective interventions. Their report, "Global Health 2050", was... Read more
A team of 50 leading international experts, the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health (CIH), explored this question, resulting in clear, actionable, and achievable measures for achieving this ambitious goal worldwide.
Four BCEPS researchers presented at this year's Arendalsuka event in Arendal, Norway, on August 14, 2024.
BCEPS Director Ole Frithjof Norheim joins expert committee advising Norway's future efforts in the field of global health.
BCEPS Lead Researcher Ingrid Miljeteig has been selected as a member of this prestigious committee consisting of 36 leading experts from around the world.
The 10th National Summit of Health and Population Scientists was organised by the Nepal Health Research Council (Government of Nepal) and inaugurated by the Honorable President of Nepal.
Four BCEPS researchers presented at the event on Tuesday, April 23, 2024
The report is entitled “Tillit til prioriteringer—økt åpenhet, medvirkning og kompetanse” (“Trust in priority setting—increased transparency, participation and competence”)
This year's theme for the Bergen Summer Research School is "Education 2030 and Beyond: Addressing Global Challenges"
Join the dynamic and international research team at BCEPS, a Norges forskningsråd (Research Council of Norway) Centre of Excellence at the University of Bergen.
On Monday 8 January, the official opening of BCEPS Centre of Excellence took place in the university aula. The centre will develop new methods and ethical frameworks to help decision-makers in ensuring a fairer distribution of health services.
The Ministry of Health & Population (MoHP) in Nepal inaugurated the BCEPS-supported 'Priority Setting for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) project' on December 04, 2023, marking a significant milestone in advancing healthcare strategies.
BCEPS was among the collaborators at this Africa CDC workshop on Fair Priority Setting Processes for Health Benefit Package Design/Revision held in Dakar, Senegal, November 2023.
Uncovering the Financial Risk of Primary Care in Low- and Lower-Middle Income Countries (01.11.2023)
BCEPS contributed greatly to the engaging and interactive programme on priority setting during this year's Alrek Days that ran from 20-22 September.
BCEPS is looking to appoint a new Communications Advisor to join its international research team in Bergen and help put the Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health at the forefront of science communication.
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