First World Congress of Business History / 20th Congress of the European Business History Association

Hotel information

The congress will take place at the Scandic Ørnen Hotel, which is situated close to the train station in Bergen and within easy access from the Bergen Airport by way of the Public airport bus service.

Main content

WCBH / EBHA - HOTELS reserved

Scandic ØrnenNOK 1470NOK 1670 25-28 August 2016
Scandic ByparkenNOK 1317NOK 1517 25-28 August 2016
P-hotelsNOK 1199NOK 1249 25-28 August 2016


Scandic Ørnen Hotel:
The congress is held here.

Scandic Byparken Hotel:
This hotel is located within 5 min walking from the congress hotel.

P-Hotels Bergen:
This hotel is located within 10 min walking from the congress hotel.

Hotel reservations will be done through the registration platform, and not directly with the hotels. Please register at your earliest convenience in order to be able to procure a hotel room.

If you have any questions, please contact the Appointed PCO for WCBH 2016: conferences@travelplanners.no