The Bergen Network for Women in Philosophy (BNWP) aims to increase the proportion of women studying and working in philosophy. The network was established in 2009 to counterbalance the overwhelming number of men dominating the discipline. At that time, the proportion of female faculty members in permanent positions was 13%. Women were also clearly underrepresented at both graduate and undergraduate levels of study. The numbers have now improved, as the proportion of female faculty members is 29%, however, when it comes to students and PhD candidates there is still a long way to go. One of the network’s central tasks is therefore to work to increase the proportion of women in philosophy at all levels, both amongst students and faculty members. The network's aim is to make visible the contribution of women to philosophy. This aim is met by organizing regular seminars throughout the semester and an annual conference. These events are open to everyone. Other activities are organized based on suggestions from network members and other interested parties.
To be added to the BNWP mailing list, send a message to bnkf.info@uib.no.