Bergen Offshore Wind Centre (BOW)

Mapping the environmental impact on Hywind Tampen

Bergen Offshore Wind Center (BOW) is involved in two research projects on environmental impact from offshore wind development and coexistence with the fishing industry

wind turbine with oil platform
Copyright Equinor - Hywind Tampen Illustration

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Two research projects led by the Institute of Marine Research will increase the knowledge base on environmental impacts from offshore wind farms and how development of wind farms can happen in good cooperation with the fishing industry. Bergen Offshore Wind Center (BOW) will contribute through knowledge of the offshore wind farms' physical parameters and collection of acoustic data.

Mapping of populations and physical parameters in the Hywind Tampen area

This project is funded by Equinor and will map fish stocks, as well as measure physical parameters such as noise in the area where the offshore wind farm Hywind Tampen will be established. Bergen Offshore Wind Centre will contribute with measurements of physical parameters.

"The measuring equipment has been prepared and will be released in June 2022 so that we get acoustic data from both the construction phase and the operational phase," says the project's contact person at BOW, Mostafa Bakhoday Pasyabi.

Read more about the project on the Institute of Marine Research's pages (article in Norwegian).

Knowledge aquisition for coexistence between the fishing and offshore wind industry

This project aims to map existing knowledge and experiences about the effects and consequences of establishing offshore wind for the Norwegian fishing industry. Bergen Offshore Wind Center (BOW) will participate in the network of the project. BOW will contribute to all the work packages through its knowledge related to the design of the wind turbines and the physical impact on the environment.

"BOW has a strong professional environment on physical parameters related to wind turbines and wind farms. In addition, we have a strong legal environment that will contribute to the discussion aabout a sustainable marine spacial planning," says director of BOW, Finn Gunnar Nielsen.