Here you can find information about events in the project. See also "see all events" at the bottom of the front page.
Main content
Upcoming events:
See also "see all events" at the bottom of the front page. There you can see upcoming events and old calendar entries(announcements)
The main events in 2023 will be three workshops related to three theme issues we are working. Thematically they are based on the three first panels in the June 2022 workshop.
Past events:
16.-18. 2022: Workshop in Bergen in June 16.-18. 2022. You can read more about it here.
26.11.2021: Workshop on codification of family law
19.11.2021: Guest lecture with Dominik Krell on codification in Saudi Arabia
20.-24. Sept 2021: Several project members will take part in a workshop part of the PhD school called Interdisciplinary Research School on Authoritative Texts (ATTR) in Bergen and Rosendal, Norway. The course/workshop is called Compilation, Canonization and Authority.26. of Nov. 2021: A small international workshop on codification in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
9.-10. of Sept. 2021: A physical workshop in Bergen for Norwegian participants only, due to the assumed lack of travel possibilities for international scholars. Originally planned for May 2021, but now moved to September 2021. Program here
23. Aug. 2021: Guest lecture with Jesper Petersen (Copenhagen), For info see calendar entry here
27.05 Kick-off event. The main event consists of two roundtable webinars on the concepts of canonization and codification. Theme: Debating the use and usefulness of the concepts of "canonization" and "codification". Related to this we will also publish a new page here with video interviews with leading scholars in the field.
3.-4.03.2021 Internal start-up retreat at Voss, Vestland, Norway. link.
24.08.2020 Presentation (in Norwegian) of the CanCode project for the Research group for legal culture at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen. Title: Utgangspunkt for komparasjon av islamsk og europeisk rett. Lunsjpresentasjon i Forskergruppen for rettskultur, Juss, UiB, 24. aug. 2020. Presentasjon av CanCode-prosjektet og kort om islamsk lov.