CCBIO906 Cancer Genomics, 2020
This 3 ECTS course will provide broad understanding of aspects of cancer genome biology and its investigation by next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. Methods for analyzing DNA variation and structure and RNA expression patterns will be covered, as well as nuclear and chromatin structure. Also, ethical, legal aspects, and hereditary predisposition will be taught.
Main content
When: February 19-21, 2020
Program: available here.
Registration: through this link.
Who: Mainly intended for PhD candidates, but open to all. Note that those interested in single lectures, might attend without registering.
Place: February 19 and 20 in auditorium B302, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital, except for the CCBIO Special Seminar at 14.30-15.30 February 20th. Then we will be in auditorium 4, BB-building.
February 21, in auditorium 4, BB-building.
Literature list: download from here.
Upon completing this course the candidate should have:
Knowledge regarding
- What kinds of mutations may predispose for, contribute to, or appear during cancer development
- How these variants can be detected by NGS methods and be analysed bioinformatically
- How to employ these methods to stratify patients both diagnostically and therapeutically
- The different implications of the same aberrations depending on tissue type
- Ethical and legal regulations regarding genetic analyses of patient samples
- Can formulate problems, plan and carry out NGS analyses on samples from cancer patients.
- Be able to assess the expediency and application of different NGS methods in cancer diagnostics and research
- To know the contact points for NGS analysis and data storage and analysis in the Bergen area
- Be able to communicate relevant literature and methods concerning cancer genomics
General Competency
- Be able to evaluate how knowledge about genome aberrations can help in understanding tumor biological mechanisms and as a guide to improved diagnosis, targeted treatment and follow up of cancer patients.
Open to PhD candidates who are affiliated with the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), but is also open to other students, PhD candidates and students at the Medical Student Research Program, plus other interested.
Master's degree or equivalent education level is required, with the exception of students on the Medical Student Research Programme.
Ola Myklebost has the academic responsibility.
Rebecca Nguyen is administrative coordinator.
This course will next time be held in the spring of 2022. Liv Cecilie Vestheim Thomsen will have the academic responsibility, and Rebecca Nguyen will be the administrative coordinator.