Welcome to the Department of Clinical Medicine
We aim to conduct medical research and education at a high international level within medicine and clinical nutrition.
Our skilled scientific staff are primarily affiliated with the healthcare institutions in Western Norway, and much of our activity takes place in close collaboration with the hospitals in the region.
You are welcome to visit our administration on the 7th floor of the Laboratory building, at Haukeland University Hospital.
We provide professional training in medicine, as well as bachelor's and master's education in nutrition. In addition, employees at the institute teach dentistry and dental hygienist students in pathology.
Read more about our research groups by following this link:
Courses at Department of Clinical Medicine | University of Bergen (uib.no)
At the departement, we emphasize research on clinical issues. We have a number of research groups from the institute’s 19 sections/fields.
The institute is also involved in several leading research and competence centers, including the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), NERO SYMED, and the Centre for Nutrition.
Read more about our research groups by following this link:
Extra Neuro-SysMed Seminar – Fabio Moda and Arianna Ciullini
Research groups
Research groups are the backbone of medical research. They do research better, more focused and enjoyable.
At the Department of Clinical Medicine we have the basis for much medical research, namely good patient materials.
Research teams collaborate independent of the boundaries of sections, department and institutions. You can find a selection of our research groups here.
Field areas
The departments consists of eleven sections. The subjects within these are: orthopedics, urology, plastic surgery, anesthesiology, pathology, radiology, neurology, neurosurgery, ear nose and throat, chirurgia minor, psychiatry, oftamologi (eye), dermatology (skin), gastroenterology, gastrointestinal surgery, nutrition and nephrology.