Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
CCBIO seminar series

CCBIO Seminar – Oddbjørn Straume

Welcome to the CCBIO seminar series in the fall term of 2023. Speaker this time will be Oddbjørn Straume. Open to all in auditorium 4, BBB. No registration necessary.

Main content

Speaker: Oddbjørn Straume
Title: Predictive markers of response to immune checkpoint blockade in melanoma - experience from a randomized clinical trial.
Where: Auditorium 4, BB-building
When: September 28, 2023 at 14.30-15.30

No registration necessary.

The CCBIO Seminar Series

CCBIO has a monthly research seminar where invited guests and international or national speakers focus on current research topics and updates.

The CCBIO Seminar series fulfills several aims.

  • Firstly, it conveys relevant biomarker research to the local scientific community and students and younger researchers in particular, providing the ground for future recruitment.
  • Secondly, it is part of two formal courses, BMED 380 on the master level, and together with the CCBIO Annual Symposium, forms CCBIO 902, a PhD level course.
  • Last, but not least, the CCBIO seminars are an important arena for informal interaction between international researchers, CCBIO PIs and other CCBIO staff as well as interested researchers and students in general. 

All interested researchers, students and others are welcome!