Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)

Academic publications

Main content


Journal articles

Barquet, K., Morsut C., Rhinard M., Englund M., Mees H., Hegland Engen O.A., Neby S., Jochemsen N., and Angell E. 2024. “Variations of riskification: Climate change adaptation in four European cities.” Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy 15(4): 491-517.

Biely,K., Sareen, S., de Vries, G., Chappin, E., Bauwens, T., Montagnino, F.M. (2024) Understanding the embeddedness of individuals within the larger system to support energy transitionSustainability Science. 

Børhaug, K., & Neby, S. 2024. “Politisk handlingskompetanse for berekraftig utvikling.” Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education 14(2): 88-109.

Das, A., Cordoba, D., Kristiansen, S., Velardi, S., Wonneberger, A., Yamaguchi, T., and Selfa, T. 2024. «Sociotechnical imaginaries of gene editing in food and agriculture: A comparative content analysis of mass media in the United States, New Zealand, Japan, the Netherlands, and Canada.” Public Understanding of Science 0(0).

Girard, B., and Sareen, S., 2024. “Change everything so that (almost) nothing changes? Investigating the territorial distribution of solar energy subsidies in rural India.” Environmental sociology 10(4): 385-396.

Girard, B., Shokrgozar, S., and Sareen, S. 2024. “Governing renewable energy rollouts in financially constrained contexts.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition, 100086.

Girard, B., Shokrgozar, S., and Sareen, S. 2024. “The meaning of solar energy: Political imaginaries of solar energy in contemporary India.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.

Gregersen, T., Doran, R., Ogunbode, C.A., Böhm, G. (2024) How the public understands and reacts to the term "climate anxiety". Journal of Environmental Psychology.

Haarstad, H. (2024) Naturens møte med økonomien. Nytt Norsk Tidskrift.

Haarstad, H., Grandin, G., Solberg, R.R. (2024) Do cities have tools to meet their climate targets? The limits of soft governance in climate action plans. Cities.

Haarstad, H., Hofstad, H., Vedeld, T., Smas, L., Braathen, E., and Millstein, M. 2024. “Democratic limitations of urban climate governance: proactive and reactive citizen action in four Scandinavian cities.” Urban Geography: 1-19.

Haarstad, H., Rosales, R., and Shrestha, S. (2024) Freight Logistics and the city Urban Studies

Jewell, J. 2024. “Commentary on ‘the interplay of the innovation cycle, build time, lifetime, and deployment rate of new energy technologies: a case study of nuclear fusion energy’ designing innovation strategies for rapid feasible technological change.” Oxford Open Energy 3, oiae015.

Jewell, J., and Kazlou, T. 2024. “Major step up in carbon capture and storage needed to keep warming below 2 °C.” Nature Climate Change 14: 1022–1023.

Kazlou, T., Cherp, A., and Jewell, J. 2024. “Feasible deployment of carbon capture and storage and the requirements of climate targets.” Nature Climate Change 14: 1047–1055.

Kristiansen, S. (2024). Can Information Change People's Mind? An Autoethnographic Reflection on my Personal Journey to Veganism. Environmental Communication.

Mahoney, K., Lopes, R., Sareen, S., Gouveia, J.P(2024) Perceptions of competing agendas in carbon neutrality policies in Portugal: Adverse impacts on vulnerable population groups Energy Research & Social Science

Morsut, C., Engen O.A., Neby S., and Angell E. 2024. “Translations of Climate Change Consequences at the Local Level: Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen and Stavanger Municipalities in Norway.” Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy 15(4): 468-490.

Müller, A., Sareen, S. (2024) The maintenance of carbonscapes: Enacting Net Zero in Stavanger, Norway. Geoforum.

Nacke, L., Vinichenko, V., Cherp, A., Jakhmola, A., and Jewell, J. 2024. “Compensating affected parties necessary for rapid coal phase-out but expensive if extended to major emitters.” Nature Communications 15, 3742.

Puig, D. 2024. “The Omiwatari Religious Ritual: An Example of Climate Change-Driven Loss of Intangible Cultural Heritage.” Case Studies in the Environment 8 (1): 2323147

Rajah, J.K., Atkins, A.E.P., Tang, C., Bax, K., Wilkerson, B., Fernald, A.G. et al. 2024. “Understanding hydrologic, human, and climate system feedback loops: results of a participatory modeling workshop.” Water 16(3): 396.

Rommetveit, K., Ballo, I.F., and Sareen, S., 2024. “Extracting users: Regimes of engagement in Norwegian smart electricity transition.” Science, Technology, & Human Values 49(3): 472-499.

Rosales, R. 2024. “Is it enough to enable freight? Modes of governance for urban logistics in Norway.” European Planning Studies 32(12): 2473–2492.

Sareen, S., (2024) Leisure mobility: Situating emotional geographies of friluftsliv in urban mobility transitions. EmotionSpace and Society, 50, 101003.

Sareen, S. (2024) Financially-constrained solar development: A comparative analysis of urban fabrics and scalar expression in Portugal and RajasthanEnergy Research & Social Science. 

Sareen, S., Haarstad, H., Gong, H., Aiken, G., Skjølsvold, T. M., Silvester, B. R., Popovic-Neuber, J., Stopa, M., Lindkvist, M., Pezzotta, M., Sasse, L., Shokrgozar, S., Haugland, B. T., Langhelle, O., & Inderberg, T. H. J. 2024. “Watt sense of community? A human geography agenda on energy communities.” Progress in Environmental Geography 3(4): 289-310.

Schrage, J., and Haarstad, H. 2024. “How is feasibility in local climate politics constructed? Balancing between appropriateness and consequence in advancing urban low-carbon plans.” Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 26 (6): 643-655.

Schrage, J., Haarstad, H., and Hidle, K. 2024. “The strategic value of contradictions: exploring the practices of climate planning in Bergen, Norway.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 67(14): 3626-3644.

Shokrgozar, S., Remme, D., Stock, R. (2024) “We Have to Convince Them Whatever it Takes:” The Climate Necropolitics of Energy Transitions in India and ZambiaGeoforum

Shokrgozar, S. & Girard, B., (2024) The companies are powerful, people are weak": India's solar energy ambitions and the legitimation of dispossession in RajasthanJournal of Political Ecology 31(1), 48–66. 

Shrestha, S., Haarstad, H. and Rosales,R. (2024) Power in urban logistics: A comparative analysis of networks and policymaking in logistics sustainability governance Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. 

Shrestha, S. 2024. “Reconciling conflicting sustainability rationalities: a co-creation approach in urban logistics governance.” Sustainability Science 19: 1847-1864.

Stock, R., and Sareen, S., 2024. “Solar aporias: On precarity and praxis in interdisciplinary research on solar energy.” Energy Research & Social Science, 116, 103661.

Suzuki, M., Jewell, J., and Cherp, A. 2024. “Have climate policies accelerated energy transitions? Historical evolution of electricity mix in the G7 and the EU compared to net-zero targets.” Energy Research and Social Science, 106.

Theeuwes, N. J. J., Shokrgozar, S., and Ahonen, V. L. 2024. “Academic travel from above and below: Institutions, ideas, and interests shaping contemporary practices.” Energy Research & Social Science, 119.

Tråsavik, H.S., Loe, M.R., King, K., and Sareen, S., 2024. “Leisure mobility: Situating emotional geographies of friluftsliv in urban mobility transitions.” Emotion, Space and Society 50, 101003.

Yazar, M. (2024) Episodic populist backlashes against urban climate actions Urban Studies

Yazar, M., Daloglu, I., and Baykal, E. 2024. “The nested hierarchy of urban vulnerability within land use policies fails to address climate injustices in Turkey.” Environmental Policy & Planning 26(1): 30-46

Yazar, M., Fide, E.C., Cetinkaya, I.D (2024) The nested hierarchy of urban vulnerability within land use policies fails to address climate injustices in Turkey


Langhelle, O., Sareen, S., Silvester, B.R. (2024) From CCS to CCU and CCUS - the pitfalls of utilisation and storage. In Ø. Stokke & E.M. Oftedal (Eds.) Making CO2 a Resource. The interplay Between research, innovation and industry. Routledge.

Sareen, S. The Sun Also Rises in Portugal: Ambitions of Just Solar Energy Transitions. 

Sareen, S., Martin, A.(ed) (2024) Geographies of Solar Energy Transitions. Conflicts, controversies and cognate aspects

Sareen, S. 2024. “Comparative visual ethnographies of the ensconcement of solar photovoltaics in the urban built environment of solar cities Jaipur and Lisbon.” Pp. 81-96 in Geographies of Solar Energy Transitions: Conflicts, controversies and cognate aspects, eds. S. Sareen and A. Martin London: UCL Press.

Sareen, S. and Martin, A., 2024. “Cognate aspects of solar energy transitions.” Pp. 1-22 in Geographies of Solar Energy Transitions: Conflicts, controversies and cognate aspects, eds. S. Sareen and A. Martin. London: UCL Press.