Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)
Seed funding

CET Accelerator funding

Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation ready for a new round of CET Accelerator seed funding. Send in applications before November 29.

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Calls for CET accelerator funds are twice yearly, normally in March/April and September/October.

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The CET Accelerator is a mechanism to stimulate activity within the overall scope of the CET centre. CET affiliated researchers can apply for seed funds to develop larger research applications, or strategic projects within research, publication, teaching or communication. NOK 50 000 – 200 000 per proposal is available in this call.

The application deadline is November 29.

For more information about CET Accelerator see here.


The following projects were granted funding in the spring call:

#1: Predicting flooding and changing shorelines for the next 100 years of sea-level rise and changing land-use

William Helland-Hansen, Prof., UiB, Dept. of Earth sciences

In this project we aim at creating a forward projection of the global land-water interface for the next 100 years, based on extrapolation of global datasets for subsidence, global sea-level change, sediment supply, sediment distribution, climate, and anthropogenic influence acquired over the last four decades. This is important because existing models for future coastline change at a global scale only includes global sea-level rise.  The result will be a global model of land-water distribution projected from the present to year 2100

#2: Climate Risk and Sustainable Performance

Esmeralda Colombo, PhD candidate, UiB, Faculty of Law

Build on existing research (Fløttum/Tvinnereim on public perceptions and Esty/Cort (Yale) on metrics that enterprises may apply in due diligence) to establish a network and develop as a young researcher.