Bergen Psychotherapy Change Lab

Mindfulness and Eating Disorders

Main content

The project is a longitudinal study of a mindfulness-based low-threshold interventions against eating disorders. We aim to investigate: (1) whether changes in problematic eating are related to changes in self-compassion from week to week during the course (2) Developments in eating disorder symptoms and self-compassion during a four-year period, and (3) participants’ experiences of handling a problematic relationship with food during this period. The project forms the basis for a doctorate for PhD scholar Anders Ohnstad, University of Bergen, Norway. Other group members are Associate Professor KariAnne Vrabel, Modum Bad, Professor Per Einar Binder, UiB, Associate Professor Yngvild Danielsen, UiB, and Associate Professor Ingrid Dundas, UiB. The latter is project manager and main supervisor for Ohnstad. The intervention was carried out by a national self-help organization (“Advice for Eating Disorders, ROS”). 

Ethical approval:

Regional Ethic Committee (REC): 353216

Clinical trials ID:


Contact information

ingrid.dundas@uib.no | anders.ohnstad@uib.no