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Illustrasjonsbilde av ungdom i fengsel


Assesments about children's criminal insanity and violence risk: Exploring and advancing the recognition of children's development.

CHILDCRIM is a five-year interdisciplinary research project, combining perspectives from legal research and mental health research. The project is led by Professor Linda Gröning, and is supported by the Research Council of Norway.

CHILDCRIM is connected to the Research Group on Criminal Justice and Mental Health at the Faculty of Law (UiB). Research partner is the Center for Security, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry (Haukeland University Hospital).

Criminal law
Bilde av Linda Gröning

Seeking clarification of criminal law’s understanding of mental illness

Professor Linda Gröning at UiB is among the leading researchers in questions related to criminal responsibility and criminal insanity. She is concerned about discrimination and injustice in the legal system if it does not rely on updated knowledge about mental illness - and finds it urgent to...

Childcrim illustrasjonsfoto

The research project CHILDCRIM has started

The interdisciplinary research project Childcrim started August 1st. The project will focus on children’s criminal insanity and violence risk.