Centre for International Health

Study abroad

Master students on the Master’s Programme of Global Health can apply to take one semester abroad through one of UiB’s exchange agreements. They can also apply for short courses through the tropEd network.

Main content

Courses at University of Copenhagen

Center for International Health (CIH) has one agreement with the University of Copenhagen that offers many courses relevant to global health. You may also select other institutions that you think are relevant. 


Find the institution you want to visit in the database for exchange agreements  Write down the code for the agreement. You can select up to 5 institutions.

Log into Søknadsweb and fill out the application.

When you have received a confirmation of admission from the exchange university, you must make plans for what courses you wish to take during your exchange period. When you have decided on a list of courses, the department must pre-approve the courses. Please send the list of courses to Daniel and Linda, including information about the course content/learning outcomes (links to relevant websites is sufficient). You should also indicate what UiB-courses these will replace. 

When you have completed your exchange period, and received a transcript of records from the university abroad, you must apply for a final approval of courses.



For exchange in the following autumn semester: February 1

For exchange in the following spring semester: September 1

If you are selected for going on exchange, you will receive more information on e-mail.

Courses at Umeå University (ERASMUS+)

You will find information here.

Courses at tropEd institutions

tropEd is an international network of member institutions for higher education in international/global health from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin America. tropEd provides postgraduate opportunities for education and training contributing to sustainable development. Centre for International Health, University of Bergen is a member of this network (Non Home Institution). As master students at CIH you are eligible to apply for short courses at the tropEd institions. However, most of the courses have tution fees, please read more here: http://www.troped.org/

There is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between CIH and Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The exchange students can only be enrolled in advanced/elective modules of the Master programmes at the host university. The programme does not include core courses. The partner institutions have agreed that exchange students admitted to this programme will not be liable for tuition fees. The host university will waive the tuition fees for the exchange students for the selected modules.

List of courses offered by Charité.

Please let inform us if you wish apply so we can notify Charité.

Most of the tropEd institutions require an English proficiency test. Those who applied as international applicants can use the same test they used for admission at UiB.