Centre for International Health
Master students

Master students are valuable Research Group members

For Master students, being a part of a Research Group can be an important career starting point. It can be an instant networking opportunity, with ripple effects extending through the networks of all the group members. The experience also provides students with support for their research and studies.

group discussion in Buikwe, Uganda
Marte Bodil Røed

Main content

Marte Bodil Røed, a Master student from the Global Mental Health Research Group at CIH, completed her Master degree in December 2019. Her thesis was entitled, "Health care and support systems for women and newborns around delivery in Buikwe district Uganda".

Røed continues to collaborate with the Research Group and presented her work in the form of a poster presentation at the Global Women's Research Society (GLOW) conference on 10-11 September 2020. The conference was entitled, "Implementing Respectful Care: the Science and the Practice".

The title of the poster was "Neonatal care practices in Buikwe District, Uganda: A qualitative study (2019)" (see below). It also includes a QR code with an oral presentation. 

Marte Bodil Røed GLOW Conference Poster 2020
Marte Bodil Røed