Centre for International Health

Occupational respiratory diseases among workers in dusty industries, Tanzania

This project aims at exploring levels of harmful exposures and extent of occupational related respiratory diseases in the cement, sisal and coffee industries in Tanzania.

Main content

Funding: NUFU
Coordinator: Bente E. Moen
Period: 2007-2011
Main Partner: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
Full Project Title: Occupational respiratory diseases among male and female workers in dusty industries in Tanzania

Occupational respiratory diseases is one of the main health problems in developing countries. Prevalence figures in different working places are lacking. This project aims at exploring levels of harmful exposures and extent of occupational related respiratory diseases in the cement, sisal and coffee industries in Tanzania, as these sectors are economically important. The purpose is to contribute to a risk reduction of occupational respiratory diseases in dusty industries, increase productivity and reduce poverty in Tanzania.

The project will train 3 PhD and 2 master students from Tanzania, run courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students in occupational health in Tanzania and train master students in Norway. Personnel will be trained to establish and manage a dust assessment laboratory in Dar es Salaam.

Efforts will be made to attract the best candidates from both genders. Since effective cooperation with the industry is important, we have therefore already established good contacts with sisal and cement industry. We anticipate successful implementation of the project and fruitful cooperation because Tanzania is politically a very stable.