Research groups
Research groups are the backbone of the medical research at the Department of Clinical Medicine.
Main content
At the Department of Clinical Medicine (K1) we have the basis for medical research, namely good patient materials. Collaboration in clinical medicine should be flexible and opportunistic. Research groups are formed by making contacts locally, nationally and internationally and actively seeking opportunities and collaboration. Solid clusters ensure research expertise and impact over time. The best research groups combine stability and flexibility.
Multidisciplinary collaboration
K1 is divided into nine sections. Research groups collaborate independent of the boundaries of sections, department and institutions. Well-defined research groups promote research, strengthen application impact possibilities and recruitment ability. Such groups also encourage all participants to become even more productive. Below, you can scroll through the different research groups at the Department of Clinical Medicine.
Leader: Associate professor Birgitte Berentsen Jacobsen
Website: link to brain-gut webpage (not updated)
Interventional Endoscopy (BRAGE)
Leader: Professor Roald Flesland Havre
Website: link to BRAGE
Ultrasound in Gastroenterology (BRUSE)
Leader: Professor Odd Helge Gilja
Website: link to BRUSE
Research groups of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), dementia, multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are part of our Neuro-SysMed center.
Other research groups are:
Biomarkers and Neuroimmunology
Leaders: Professor Christian Vedeler and researcher Sonia Gavasso
Website: link to biomarkers research group
Epilepsy and Headache
Leader: Professor Marte-Helene Bjørk
Website: link to epilepsy research group
Center for Nutrition is part of the Department of Clinical Medicine. Information about the research groups that are part of the Center for Nutrioton can be found here.
Ophthalmology research group
Leader: Professor Eyvind Rødahl
Translational eye research
Leader: Professor Cecilie Bredrup
Website: link to ophthalmology research group
Leader: Professor Mihaela-Roxana Cimpan
Website: link to biomaterials
Biomaterials in surgery (Biomatlab)
Leader: Researcher Paul Johan Høl
Website: link to biomatlab
Orthopedic medical quality registries
Leader: Professor Ove Nord Furnes
Website: link to orthopedic medical quality registries
Sports traumatology and arthroscopy
Leader: Professor Eivind Inderhaug
Website: link to sports traumatologi and arthroscopy
Hip Imaging, Pathology and Surgery Research Group
Leaders: Associate professor Lene Bjerke Laborie and associate professor Trude Gundersen.
Website: link to HIPS
Research performed in the frame of Center for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) is central for the department's scientific activities in the field of pathology. The center is led by professor Lars A. Akslen.
Other research groups are:
Immunology and Rheumatology (Sjogren's syndrome)
Leader: Professor Kathrine Skarstein
Website: link to immunology and rheumatology
Molecular pathology of pancreatic diseases
Leader: Professor Anders Molven
Website: link to molecular pathology of pancreatic diseases (external webpage)
Age-related medicine, cognitive impairment and dementia
Leader: Professor Arvid Rongve
Website: link to age-related medicine
Leader: Professor Erik Johnsen
Website: link to psychosis research group
Youth mind health
Leader: Professor Maj-Britt Rocio Posserud and professor Gro Janne Henningsen Wergeland
Website: link to youth mind health
Cancer imaging
Leader: Professor Ingrid S. Haldorsen
Website: link to cancer imaging
Musculoskeletal and paediatric imaging
Leaders: Professor Ansgar Espeland and professor Stein Magnus Aukland
Website: link to musculoskeletal and paediatric imaging
Neurostimulation and brain imaging
Leader: Associate professor Leif Oltedal
Website: link to neurostimulation and brain imaging
Hip Imaging, Pathology and Surgery Research Group
Leaders: Associate professor Lene Bjerke Laborie and associate professor Trude Gundersen.
Website: link to HIPS
Other research groups
The Bergen Myasthenia Gravis Research Group
Research group in Molecular Pathology
Research group on Quality, Safety and Outcome after Surgery and Critical illness (ROSC)
The Neck Endocrine Disease Research Group
Research Group in Hand, Ankle and Minor Surgery
Research Group for Palliative Care
Mountain Medicine Research Group