Satisfied with easing of corona measures
The University of Bergen will as soon as possible facilitate a normal everyday life for students and emplyees. Rector Margareth Hagen is particularly pleased that the meter distance rule is abolished.
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Rector of UiB, Margareth Hagen, is pleased with the easing of the measures that the government presented on Tuesday night. She welcomed the news that the one-meter rule will no longer apply in teaching situations with pleasure. From now on, it is no longer necessary to maintain a social distance of one metre in reading rooms or libraries.
- We are very happy that the distance requirement for our students is now abolished. It is high time that students can have a more normal everyday life. There is no doubt that they have paid a high price. Now, after almost two demanding years, they can have a long-awaited study routine with all that entails that is important for both mental health, well-being and the academic benefits, says Hagen.
Although the teaching has been digital, the campus has been open with open libraries, reading rooms and canteens. Now that the measures are being eased, UiB will as soon as possible switch to ordinary teaching in all courses and programmes. Further information about the updated curriculum is given to the students in MittUiB.
No more orders for facilitation for home office
In addition, there will no longer be number restrictions or requirements for home offices. At the same time, there is still a high pressure of infection in society, and many people will become ill and away from work. The use of digital meetings and home offices can still be a tool at UiB to prevent many people from becoming ill at the same time and to ensure continuity in work tasks and functions.
- It is nice that our employees also finally get the opportunity to be more present in the workplace as a result of facilitations related to home office. There is no doubt that many have had demanding days at the home office, says Hagen.
Any agreements on the use of a home office during part of the working hours in the future shall be agreed between the manager and the employee in accordance with the guidelines that apply in a normal situation.
It is almost two years since the first national lock down. Since then, different levels of infections control measures have been in force, and Hagen now hopes that we now will face a more normal future.
- I want to thank employees and students who have made an impressive effort through two demanding years, and we all now look forward to a spring characterized by optimism and a more rewarding study and work everyday.
More easing of TISK (Testing, isolation, infection tracking and quarantine)
The recommendation for regular testing in kindergartens, schools and the education sector has already ceased. If needed, local municipalities with sufficient test capacity can make tests available at schools, universities, etc.
This is to make tests easily accessible to people who develop symptoms. The general quarantine is terminated for everyone, but household members and similar relatives are recommended to be tested. Other close contacts without symptoms do not need to be tested, but they should pay extra attention to symptoms.
Infection tracing has already become an individual responsibility, but the municipality can provide assistance if needed. We encourage you to notify known close contacts if you become infected, so that they can be extra aware of their own symptoms.
With the following relieves in TISK, further requirements for registration of guests / participants at events and restaurants will be abolished.
NIPH points out that the use of the app Smittesporing can cover the need for notification of other participants at an event. The isolaton time is shortened from 6 to 4 days. The change in the isolation period also applies to people who are already infected and in isolation today. Infected people who have symptoms must also have been fever-free for at least 24 hours before the isolation can be terminated. The government assesses the isolation requirement on an ongoing basis.