Department of Cultural History


The Conservation section

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The Conservation section at the Universitymuseum of Bergen, are responsible for conservation and preservation of the museum’s heritage collections and natural history collections for present and future generations.

The primary task of the conservation section is to slow down the degradation processes, and ensure the objects safety and handling in connections with loans and exhibitions. The section is also responsible for defining the climatic and environment conditions for exhibitions and depositories for the museum’s artefacts. Controlling pests and other threats to the collection are also important part of the work the section does.

The conservation sections tasks also include examination, analysis, treatment, stabilization, assessment of condition, and documentation of objects in the collections.

We work together with the other departments and sections of the museum with projects to increase our knowledge of the artefacts in the collections. With material analysis and technological examinations to find out how objects are made, their usage and their origin. This information give us knowledge on how to conserve and preserve the object.

Among our equipment is digital x-ray, different types of microscopes and XRF spectro analyzer.
We also work with education of conservation students.