To Serve Them All - Web Accessibility In Digital Humanities
Are you a researcher or developer who designs, creates or supervises the development of web pages for research infrastructures or tools? This workshop is a part of the DHNB 2023 Conference and gives basic knowledge about what web accessibility is, what recommendations and standards to follow, and how to test websites to make them more accessible.

Main content
This workshop is held in Norwegian, but questions in English are welcome.
Requirements for universal design of websites have been a Norwegian regulation since 2014, last revised on 1 February 2022 with a one-year implementation period. The regulation refers to the EU’s Web Accessibility Directive (WAD) and the standard Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1), an ISO standard. There is similar legislation within the EU.
Websites developed for research projects often have a specific user group in mind, like students or researchers. They are, in many respects, thought of as a very well-skilled group, and accessibility issues might not be the top priority. However, researchers and students are like anyone else in their need to have user-friendly tools, and for some, it is essential to take these issues into account to be able to participate in academic life.
Accessibility is also important when it comes to research papers. A simple case is the need to make graphics understandable.
09:00-09:10 Welcome
09:10-09:50 Introduction to Web Accessibility
09:50-10:00 Short break
10:00-10:20 Introductions to tools and techniques for testing
10:20-10:50 The participants try one or two tools on a website of their choosing
10:50-11:00 Short break
11:00-11:45 Discussion: Looking at cases, problems, and solutions.
11:45-12:00 Wrap-up
Please register for the digital conference on the website of the conference (free attendance) and send an e-mail to the instructor to sign up for the event.
The workshop will be held online via Zoom. Please visit the conference webpage for more information about the workshop.