Why UiB

Student Housing

New international students admitted to the University of Bergen can apply for housing through the Student Welfare Organization (Sammen).

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Housing guarantee for new international students

New international students on the following categories are guaranteed student housing at SAMMEN provided availability:

  • Exchange students. 
  • International master's degree students* 
  • Students in other international collaboration programs with UIB (Fullbright, NORSTIP and NORPART).

*Students admitted to regular degree programs and PhD. candidates are not entitled to housing guarantee.

Conditions to be eligible for housing guarantee

  • New international student admitted for at least one semester (see categories above).
  • Residing abroad at the time of the admission*
  • Submit the application for student accommodation within the deadline 10 May/1 November.
  • Arriving at the beginning of the semester (rent must be paid from 1 August/1 January). 
  • Applies only first time applicants to SAMMEN housing. It is not possible to terminate the housing contract and then have guaranteed housing again.

* Students residing in Norway will not be granted housing guarantee.

Please note:

  • Shared rooms will be allocated to short term students regardless of their application.
  • Family and couple apartments are not included in the housing guarantee.
  • Pets are not allowed at SAMMEN’s buildings (guide dogs are exempted).  

How to apply for accommodation with housing guarantee

  • Students entitled to housing guarantee will receive information about application procedures by email.
  • Applications must be registered at the Sammen application portal, according to given instructions. 
  • A valid mobile phone number (including country code), must be registered when applying for housing.
  • Students can select up to three preferred options. However, allocation is given according to availability*

*Housing guarantee ensures a space in a student hostel. A specific room type/location is not guaranteed. Allocations are randomized.

Application periods:

Autumn semester (start August)1 April - 10 May
Spring semester (start January)1 October - 1 November

Students with special needs

SAMMEN can offer a limited number of rooms/apartments specially adapted for students with special needs. These rooms/apartments are located in Damsgårdsveien, Gyldenpris, Grønneviksøren, Jekteviken, and at Fantoft TRE Student housing.

Students with special needs; disabilities, accommodation or accessibility needs must notify SAMMEN as soon as possible after submitting their application. 

Requests for disability-related accommodations are considered on a case-by-case basis and availability.  Supporting documentation (medical certificate), must be submitted to SAMMEN.

Please note that students are not guaranteed a disability  adapted room/single room even if medical certificate is provided.

The application must be submitted  through SAMMEN application portal by 10 May/1 November.

Housing offer and allocation periods

Housing offer:

  • The housing offer/contract will be sent by SAMMEN soon after the deadline expires (10 May/1 November).
  • Make sure you whitelisted the email notifications@egreement.com to receive the housing offer/contract.
  • Students will lose the housing offer and guarantee, if the contract is not accepted it within the deadline stated in the contract.
  • Information about allocation will be available through "My Pages" (SAMMEN online portal).
  • Exchange students MUST accept the housing offer, even if their admission at UiB is still under consideration.  
  • The monthly rent includes internet access, water, heating. Electricity must be paid separately.

Allocation periods:

Autumn semester1 August - 31 December
Spring semester 1 January - 31 July

Tenancy agreement

The tenancy agreement is a legal binding document between the student and SAMMEN.We strongly advise all students to read the document carefully and get familiarized with the terms and conditions before signing the contract. Early termination of a rental contract can incur fees and additional costs. 

  • The tenancy agreement must be signed within the deadline.
  • The agreement can be accepted by using SMS code or electronic draw signature (a valid phone nr. must be registered).
  • Students should not sign the tenancy agreement, if their application for admission is rejected by UIB or if they are planning to find alternative/private accommodation in Bergen.

Please pay attention to the following:

  • Students are liable for paying rent for the entire duration of the tenancy period/semester (minimum 5 months), if the agreement is not cancelled within the deadline of 24 June/ 30 November.
  • Any legal issues connected with a tenancy contract are considered a private issue
  • SAMMEN cancellation regulations and deadline applies to students that withdraw from exchange, have not been granted admission or are planning to find alternative accommodation in Bergen. 

Cancellation deadline and conditions

The cancellation deadline for the autumn semester 2024 is 30 November: No extension will be given beyond this date*. 

Conditions for cancelling the housing offer:

  • Withdraw from exchange period at UIB.
  • Have not been granted admission by UIB
  • Notify Sammen by email: bolig@sammen.no and incoming@uib.no 
  • UIB will have to confirm the withdrawal.
  • Any other reason for cancellation will be treated as an ordinary termination period.

The tenancy agreement is a legal binding agreement between the student and SAMMEN. We strongly advise all students to read the document carefully and get familiarized with the terms and conditions before signing the contract.

SAMMEN is a separate organization and therefore, UIB cannot interference with their cancellation policies and regulations.

    Please note that students that terminate their tenancy agreement due to alternative accommodation, will not be given guaranteed housing again.

    *Cancellations after the deadline will be subjected to SAMMEN cancellation policies and regulations. Students will be bond to pay rent for the whole allocation period.

    Moving out/Termination of contract before the end of the semester

    The housing contract is allocated for the entire semester. Students may only terminate the agreement after 3 months and with 3 months’ notice starting from the first day in the following month. Information on when the contract was issued, or other terms and regulatios are available on "My Page". 

    Detailed information is available at Moving out? — Bergen (sammen.no

    SAMMEN is a separate organization and therefore UIB cannot interference with their tenancy agreement policies and regulations.

    Stay of less than one semester/students without housing guarantee/other accomodation.

    This information is mainly for short-term students staying in Bergen for less than one semester, guest and trainee students without housing gurantee and for students intending to find alternative accommodation in Bergen.

    Online portals for finding accommodation
