
Exam Information at the Faculty of Psychology

You are obliged to know the information below before attending a written examination

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  • Candidates must present themselves at the location by 08:45 AM.
  • The students are responsible to make sure they do not sign up for subjects with coinciding examination days.
  • The location is published as latest 14 days ahead of the examination day. You will find a short presentation about the various locations on this website: examination locations
  • * Before attending your examinations, please read the: Instructions to the candidates
  • Regulations concerning examinations at the University of Bergen and other relevant information are given on the International Students’Portal.
  • Deadline for cancelling your exam is 14 days ahead of the examination day.
  • Your examination results are available on "StudentWeb".

Digital exam
Be aware that written exams might be digital. With digital exams you need to bring your own laptop on the day of the exam. Find more information here: https://www.uib.no/en/education/87471/digital-examination#