The Holberg Prize

Announcement of the Holberg Prize and Nils Klim Prize 2015

The Holberg Prize and Nils Klim Prize laureates for 2015 will be announced on 12 March 2015.

Sigmund Grønmo 2013
Holbergprisens styreleder,Sigmund Grønmo, ved kunngjøringen for Holbergprisen 2013 på Det akademiske kvarter.
Kim Andreasssen

Main content

You can watch the ceremony live from 08:50 CET via this link: holbergprisen.no/en/announcement.html 

The announcement ceremony will take place in the Library of Humanities at the University of Bergen from 09:00 CET. Main speakers at the will be the Holberg Prize Board leader Sigmund Grønmo and rector of the University of Bergen, Dag Rune Olsen.

The Holberg Prize is awarded annually to scholars who have made outstanding contributions to research in the arts and humanities, social science, law or theology. The Prize for 2015 amounts to 4.5 million NOK (approximately 538 000 EUR / 735 000 USD *) and has been refered to as "a Nobel prize of the social sciences".

The Nils Klim Prize amounts to 250,000 NOK (approximately 30 000 EUR /41 000 USD*) and is awarded to an younger Nordic researcher under the age of 35, who has made outstanding contributions within the humanities, social sciences, law or theology. Particular importance is placed on originality and innovative ability. 

The event is open for everyone, and free of charge.