NORCOWE 2016 Conference

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After eight years, the Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE) held their concluding conference in Bergen between the 14th and 16th of September. More than one hundred participants attended the conference, where results and highlights from the research achieved in NORCOWE were presented.
On the occasion of NORCOWEs finalization in March 2017, a grand summarizing conference was held at Grand Hotel Terminus in Bergen. During the two day conference, major results from the focus areas of NORCOWE were presented. This included numerical weather prediction, met/ocean measurement campaigns, maintenance and operations, wind farm layout etc. There was a strong focus on PhD projects, innovations and spin-offs from the Centre, and the future challenges of offshore wind technology were also discussed.
The first day of the conference focused on the highlights of NORCOWE's research and looked at the impact the FME centre has had. On the second day, the conference got more into the technical details, with two parallel sessions on measurement and numerical weather prediction and wind-farm operation, maintenance, control and optimization.
On both days there were poster sessions, where people had the opportunity to network and to learn from all the different expertise that was gathered at the conference.
The final day of the conference, the 16th of September, included a site-visit to the Midtfjellet wind farm at Fitjar. Students from the master in energy at the University of Bergen also participated on this excursion.
The full program and most of the presentations from the conference can be found on NORCOWE’s website here.
Arnfinn Christensen has written an article on about offshore wind in Norway, where he has spoken with many of the participants on the NORCOWE conference. He discusses the potential Norway has of developing offshore wind energy, but asks why we are building the world’s first test park of floating offshore wind turbines outside Scotland?
Sysla Grønn has also conducted an interview with Jostein Mælan from StormGeo, a company that has been an industry partner in NORCOWE and delivers meteorological data to about 40 wind farms in the North Sea basin.