Bergen Energy Lab (BEL)

Energy news from around the world

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There’s no way around it: Donald Trump is going to be a disaster for the planet

From VOX (Click here for the original news article)

Brad Plumer has written an interesting albeit worrying blog post about what we can expect from the new president of the United States regarding climate. Trump’s view on climate is very clear, calling global warming a hoax created by the Chinese. He has said that he wants to scrap all regulations to reduce CO2 emissions put forward by Obama, including the clean power plan. Trump has also hinted that he wants to get rid of the Environmental Protection Agency, stop all spending on clean energy and even pull the US out of the Paris agreement.

Read also: http://energiogklima.no/kommentar/klimapolitisk-jordskjelv-usa/ (In Norwegian)


Florida voters say no to misleading solar amendment

From Miami Herald: (Click here for the original news article)

Another important election took place in Florida on the 8th of November. The solar-energy related amendment 1, which has been a devious attempt by local utilities to monopolise the solar-energy market in Florida. The utilities have tried to take advantage of the popularity of solar to pass an amendment that could have been used as a legal barrier to raise fees on solar users and keep out companies that want to compete with the utilities to provide solar energy generation.

Luckily, the amendment was defeated.


Landmark Paris Climate Agreement Takes Formal Effect. It’s Not Nearly Enough

From TIME: (Click here for the original news article)

3rd of November the Paris Agreement came into force, after countries representing more than 55 % of global emissions have ratified the deal. COP 22 in Marrakech from 7th to 18th of November will be the first opportunity for the parties to decide how to implement the deal.

Also read this blog by Jeremy Legget


Dong Energy confirms oil and gas exit (In Norwegian)

From Dagens Næringsliv: (Click here for the original news article)


Your feet can be the next source of renewable energy (In Norwegian)

From TU: (Click here for the original news article)


IEA raises its five-year renewable growth forecast as 2015 marks record year

From IEA: (Click here for the original news article)