The rooftop energy lab at UiB

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We would like to invite you to a presentation of the rooftop lab by Anak Bhandari (GFI) held in the Hellan-Hansen meeting room at the Geophysical Institute (Allegaten 70). After this we will head over to the Department of Physics and Technology for a tour of the actual lab.
As there is not an infinite amount of space at the rooftop lab, we would like to know approximately how man we will be on the tour, so please send an email if you would like to join the tour. It is of course possible to simply attend the presentation in the Hellan-Hansen room and not the rooftop lab tour.
As always, the seminar (tour included) will be held from 12:15 to 13:00 (we open the doors at 12:00). It is free and open to all interested parties, so bring your lunch and join ut for an interesting presentation followed by a Q&A session, and this time, for a guided tour as well.