Bergen Energy Lab (BEL)

CCUS: Storage - challenges and solutions

Sask Power: The official launch of the Boundary Dam carbon capture and storage facility in Estevan on Oct. 2, 2014.

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Guttorm Alendal, professor at the department of mathematics, UiB, will present on issues related to the storage-part of CCUS at the lunch meeting the 29th of October. He has been working with back-tracing of leakages and possible consequences of faulty storages systems and will introduce us to a mathematical approach to solving challenges connected to CCUS. 

CCUS, Carbon Capture Usage and Storage, is one of the technologies being pursued to reach the goals of the Paris agreement. The concept is simple, capture large quantities of CO2 and keep it away from the atmosphere and the oceans. This way the captured CO2 will not participate in the global warming and in the ongoing acidification of our oceans. The concept has been developed over several decades and is believed to be ready to be implemented on a large scale. So, what is holding us back?  Cost is one aspect, lack of market mechanisms another related issue. In addition, who will responsible for the storage site in the future? Here I will, after a general introduction of the CCS concept, focus on the offshore storage part, eventually zooming in on environmental and assurance monitoring. For many years we have been involved in a number of projects focusing on how to design cost efficient monitoring programs. I will argue that such programs will ease communicating pros and cons of the technology and align offshore storage projects with sustainable management of our oceans.

The seminar will be held from 12:15 to 13:00 (we open the doors at 12:00), the location will be announced. As always it is free and open to all interested parties, so bring your lunch and join us for an interesting presentation followed by a Q&A session.

The presentation from the talk can be found below.