Hydropeaking (effektkjøring) in BKKs hydropower plants
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Sigve Næss, Senior Hydropower Engineer at BKK will take on the issue of hydropeaking, or effektkjøring, on the 5th of November. This has proven to be a topic of many strong opinoins, so with the help of Næss we will do our best to navigate through the aspects related to both the environmental restrictions, as well as the physical restrictions driven by energy consumption.
The Norwegian Hydropower system developed the last 100 years will take a new future role with more sun- and wind generated power and further connections with the European continent. The society demands good ecological status of all water bodies which includes good conditions for fish like salmon and trout. What does peaking mean and how will it be possible for hydropower to take a key role in the future energy system? Effects of rapid and frequent flow have been studied in the Dale river, and the result shows that it is possible to combine having a satisfactory salmon and trout population with hydro power production.
The seminar will be held at Hellan-Hansen meeting room, Geophysical Institute (Allegaten 70), from 12:15 to 13:00 (we open the doors at 12:00). As always it is free and open to all interested parties, so bring your lunch and join us for an interesting presentation followed by a Q&A session.
The presentation from the talk can be found below.