New COST Action Positive Energy Districts European Network
Europe is set to be a global role model in energy transition. It has made significant progress in building level innovations and is now stepping up efforts towards city-wide transformation with the pioneering concept of Positive Energy Districts (PEDs).

Main content
The EU’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan has set out a vision to create 100 PEDs in Europe by 2025. The concept of PEDs is emerging and the knowledge and skills needed for the planning and designing, implementation and monitoring, as well as replication and mainstreaming of PEDs are yet to be advanced. The challenge cuts across sectors and domains, thus the solutions can only be found through collective innovation. This seminar introduces a new collaborative network with this focus. PED-EU-NET (2020-2024) is an EU Cooperation on Science and Technology (COST) Action. It will drive the deployment of PEDs by harmonising, sharing and disseminating knowledge and breakthroughs on PEDs across different stakeholders, domains and sectors at the national and European level. It will establish a PED innovation eco-system to facilitate open sharing of knowledge, exchange of ideas, pooling of resources, experimentation of new methods and co-creation of novel solutions across Europe. Additionally, it will support the capacity building of new generation PED professionals, researchers and experienced practitioners. It will mobilise relevant actors across Europe to collectively contribute to the long-term climate neutral goal. A synergistic emerging network in Norway is the Horizon Europe Norwegian Urban Partnership. This seminar will provide an overview of upcoming PED-EU-NET activities and opportunities to engage.
Seminar speaker
Siddharth Sareen is a Management Committee member for Norway and co-proposer of the COST Action PED-EU-NET. He conducts research on the governance of energy transitions at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation and teaches environmental governance at the Department of Geography. His interest in PEDs overlaps with work on energy transitions at the urban scale, including energy poverty alleviation, energy efficiency and distributed solar energy rollout initiatives.
Guidelines for our virtual seminars:
- To enter the seminar use this link We have moved over to Zoom as this is a better presenter experience compared with Teams.
- "Doors open" at 12pm. From 12-12.15 you will be able to present yourself and be introduced to the rest of the participants.
- After 12.15 and whenever you are not speaking please mute your microphone, as this can disturb others.
- If you have a comment or a question please use the chat function (speech bubble on the options panel) to signal you have a question.
- The moderator will introduce you when it is your turn to ask a question – Remember to unmute your microphone!