Bergen Energy Lab (BEL)

EU hydrogen strategy and regulation

The presentation will outline recent directions of the hydrogen policy in Europe, with a spearheading role of the European Commission's Hydrogen Strategy of 2020.

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Main content

Aleksander Glapiak will present EU hydrogen strategy and regulation.

Calls for a far-reaching energy transition are often accompanied by scepticism about full
electrification and the role of RES. In the context of failures expected from a simple scaleup of the current model, policymakers revisit the ideas of implementing hydrogen solutions.
Despite some similarities with natural gas, hydrogen has some distinct properties and pose
different problems also.

However, if related technologies are to take off, a sound framework is needed. It should
cover not only the property rights, safety rules or licences but also the investment
regulation. The last element, including rules on State aid and retrofitting of the existing
infrastructure, is essential to make sure that hydrogen is going to be a green remedy rather
than a retrograde step.

The presentation will outline recent directions of the hydrogen policy in Europe, with a
spearheading role of the European Commission's Hydrogen Strategy of 2020.


Webinar speaker
Aleksander Glapiak is a research assistant at the Faculty of Law (UiB) and collaborates with
the Research group for Natural Resource Law, Environmental Law and Development Law.
He finished his Master’s in Law in 2020, defending a dissertation on capacity remuneration
mechanisms. Currently, he continues his Master’s programme in Economics.


Guidelines for our virtual seminars:
- Link to join the webinar here
- "Doors open" at 12:00. From 12:00-12:15 you will be able to present yourself and be introduced to the rest of the participants.
- After 12:15 and whenever you are not speaking please mute your microphone, as this can disturb others.
- If you have a comment or a question please use the chat function (speech bubble on the options panel) to signal you have a question. 
- The moderator will introduce you when it is your turn to ask a question. Remember to unmute your microphone!