Watch 'Norseman Wind: Offshore Wind in Norway - the big picture' here!
Harald Dirdal, partner og project developer at Njordr, give us insight into Norseman Wind: Offshore Wind in Norway - the big picture
Norseman Wind: Offshore Wind in Norway - the big picture
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Harald is one of two main owners in Njordr and is responsible for initiating, developing and managing projects. He works with mapping areas that have good potential for wind power and establishing wind farms in these areas. In this work, he maintains a dialogue with municipalities, landowners, local residents, the local community and the local business community, who can all be affected and enjoy renewable electricity from wind farms. Harald has several decades of experience in developing wind power on land and at sea in Scandinavia, the USA and the Middle East. He has a Master's degree in construction engineering from Delft University in the Netherlands.
At BEL he present Norseman Wind: Offshore Wind in Norway - the big picture
Webinar speaker
Harald Dirdal, partner og project developer at Njordr