WATCH: Layout and yaw optimisation of an offshore wind farm
Wind energy has a very high potential for improvement, especially with regard to wake effects of the turbines within large wind farms. This work focuses the emphasis on potential of aerodynamically optimized wind park layouts and wake steering through yaw angle control.

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Wind energy has a very high potential for improvement, especially with regard to wake effects of the turbines within large wind farms. This work focuses the emphasis on potential of aerodynamically optimized wind park layouts and wake steering through yaw angle control.
Presenter, Daniel Sukhman
I’m a German master student from the Technical University Braunschweig studying mechanical engineering with focus on energy & process engineering. During my Erasmus semester in Trondheim (as part of my undergraduate program in 2018) I developed a high interest for fluid mechanical problems and wind energy. The presented results are part of my master student research project which I was working on the first half of 2022. I designed an analytical large scale modelling tool for offshore wind parks in MATLAB. Thanks to my supervisor in germany who happened to know Jan Bartl from his time at NTNU I got in touch with the department of the Mechanical and Marine Engineering at HVL. Now I’m at HVL as an exchange student working on my master thesis extending my tool to close the gap between large scale modelling (on wind farm scale) and small scale research (Airfoil/ BEM theory).