WATCH: "NVEs forslag til nye områder for norsk havvind – fordeler og utfordringer"
Did you miss Finn Gunnar Nielsens presentation of NVE's report on new areas for renewable energy production at sea? Watch it here! Please note that the presentation was given in Norwegian language.

Main content
The Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy (NVE) was commissioned by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (OED) to identify new areas for renewable energy production at sea. NVE presented the work at a press conference on 25 April. At the same time, a map with information about the proposed areas was posted on NVE's website.
Finn Gunnar Nielsen had a short introduction about the proposed areas, before opening up to questions from the webinar participants. The presentation was given in Norwegian language.
OED's press conference on new areas for renewable energy production at sea in Norwegian waters (Norwegian language)
About the speaker
Professor Finn Gunnar Nielsen is one of the leaders in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. He was central to the development of the Hywind demo from the start, and worked for many years with offshore wind in Norsk Hydro and Statoil.
He was for many years Professor II at NTNU and then at UiB, before he started as a full-time professor in offshore wind at UiB in 2016. He led the Bergen Offshore Wind Center (BOW) until February this year.