Bergen Energy Lab (BEL)
BEL Lunch

WATCH: Korleis kan fleksibilitet handtere utfordringar i distribusjonsnettet (How can flexibility handle challenges in the distribution network) - Norwegian language

In this presentation, Per-Oddvar Osland discusses how customer flexibility can contribute to solving challenges related to the increased pressure on the power grid, such as power peaks. The presentation will be held in Norwegian language.

BEL Lunch 10 17 2023 Korleis kan fleksibilitet handtere utfordringar i distribusjonsnettet


Main content

Please note that the presentation will be held in Norwegian language.

Per-Oddvar Osland works as research manager at Glitre Nett. He has previously been responsible for the rollout of AMS in Agder Energi Nett, and has been head of the Analysis department in the company. Education: Siv.ing, industrial mathematics (NTH, 1994). PhD, telematics (NTNU, 2000).


Electrification of society leads to an increase in energy consumption and power output. For the distribution network, power peaks are the biggest challenge, this leads to reduced voltage quality, bottlenecks in the network and a weakened ability to handle fault situations. Historically, this has been solved by building more networks, but this is not economically sustainable. Here, flexibility can become an important tool in the future. Flexibility is the customers' ability and willingness to adapt consumption/production to take account of demanding situations in network operations. The hypothesis is that flexibility helps to cut power peaks, which means that one can avoid or postpone network investments. For several years, Glitre Nett has worked with analyzes and piloting to investigate how flexibility can contribute to handling challenges in the distribution network. In this presentation, we look at the results of this work.