Bergen Energy Lab (BEL)
BEL Lunsj

An economic evaluation of the Costs of Nuclear Power generation

Illustration photo showing 3 industrial chimneys releasing white smoke towards the blue sky at a nuclear power plant

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Welcome to this webinar on economy and finance of nuclear power by professor emeritus Thore Johnsen.


Last year, Rystad Energy presented a critical evaluation of the likely future costs of building and operating a conventional or small nuclear power plant in Norway. This generated a rather heated public debate, in particular about the risk adjusted cost of capital for such a project compared with alternative energy projects. I will evaluate this discussion and also the very recent report from NVE about updated cost estimates of alternative Norwegian energy production projects.     

Thore Johnsen

Professor emeritus in finance at the Norwegian School of Economics since 2017. PhD in social economics at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Employed at NHH in 1979 and professor of finance from 1986. Several publications in international scientific journals. Has been an adviser to a number of Norwegian and Swedish companies, organizations and public institutions, e.g. on profitability and yield requirements in the power sector.