Section for General Practice
RESEARCH | Research group for health promotion and migration health

HEMIX - Research promoting public health

We see health and disease from a holistic view, and our research is particularly focused towards people struggling with addiction and towards migrants, but we also have a wider public health perspective.

A Puzzle heart and colored figurines

Main content

The research group HEMIX is attached to Institute for global health and community medicine with close collection to Haukeland University Hospital where several of the members are employed.


OUR VISION: Research promoting public health

We see health and disease from a holistic view, and our research is particularly focused towards people struggling with addiction and towards migrants, but we also have a wider public health perspective.  


Our research should be relevant to the community. We want to contribute to enlighten and solve both local, national and international society challenges regarding the following topics:

  • preventive health care
  • migration and health
  • addiction disorders


  • promote user participation and interdisciplinary collaboration between participants both inside and outside academia
  • provide high quality research of great ethical standard and ensure to apply research policies and legislations
  • highlight our research to professionals, health politicians, relevant user-/patient groups and the public.