How will Zambia participate in the global EV market? The forgotten battery material in a province left behind
GEO Seminar is back! We are happy to invite you to the seminar led by Devyn Helen Avhild Remme, PhD Candidate at Department of Geography. We will meet physically, but you can follow the presentation via zoom, too.
Main content
Speaker: Devyn Helen Avhild Remme (University of Bergen)
Topic: How will Zambia participate in the global EV market? The forgotten battery material in a province left behind
Time: 15 September 12:15-13:00
Place: Room 744 or ZOOM
In this presentation, Devyn will present on the political economy of manganese, an often overlooked metal that is essential in batteries. She presents findings from recent field work in Zambia on the extraction of manganese in Luapula province and national ambitions to integrate more of the EV battery value chain domestically. The findings are situated within a brief introduction to the proposed EU regulatory framework for battery value chains and global markets for manganese.