Department of Geography

GEO seminar: Groundwater Use in Water Stressed Aquifers and System Dynamics Approach in Konya Closed Basin (Turkey)

We are happy to invite you to the seminar led by Ali Kerem Saysel, Professor at the Department of Geography (UiB).

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Welcome to GEO seminar with Ali Kerem Saysel, Professor at the Department of Geography (UiB).
Tsimafei Kazlou

Main content

We will meet physically, but you can follow the presentation via Zoom, too. See the details below!

Speaker: Ali Kerem Saysel (UiB)
Topic: Groundwater Use in Water Stressed Aquifers and System Dynamics Approach in Konya Closed Basin (Turkey)
Time: 15 February, 12:15-13:00
Place: Room 744 or ZOOM 

Groundwater is an invisible, uncertain, highly irreversible, widely dispersed common pool resource (CPR), hence vulnerable to overexploitation. Now, much of the world’s semi-arid aquifers are under water stress. Sustainable management of groundwater requires pumping rates being reduced to recharge. However, this obvious measure is often difficult to implement due to socio-hydrological complexity, involving multiple actors with asymmetric power and interest and varying knowledge and perceptions on groundwater use. In this seminar, I will present evidence from water stressed Konya Closed Basin (KCB) in Central Anatolia, Turkey, where in the past two decades, the agricultural economy boomed while groundwater levels have dramatically declined. I will outline the role of system dynamics with methods and models, implemented for sustainable groundwater management in the KCB.

This work was conducted under the project InTheMED funded by the PRIMA program grant agreement no 1923, supported by EU HORIZON 2020.