Department of Geography

News archive for Department of Geography

Director for Energy Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa is satisfied that the University of Bergen has been able to present its innovative energy research at the United Nations High-level Political Forum.
How can research and higher education help accelerate the transformation to sustainable and just societies?
"Geography - History and Concepts" is much more than a history book. It originates primarily from the desire to develop a practical understanding of the identity of Geography.
Small fish have huge potential to alleviate malnutrition and safeguard food security in Sub-Saharan Africa and across the globe. An interdisciplinary project headed by the University of Bergen has been awarded 1 million Euros.
The University of Zurich is known as one of Europe’s leading universities for conducting researching within physical geography, especially related to glaciology of High Mountain Asia. I’ve been lucky enough to live the last three months in Zurich and work together with some of the researchers here.
Do you have a degree in geography from University of Bergen? Join our alumni map!
David Lara Arango will complete his PhD degree in System Dynamics in 2018. He works as a senior data scientist in Webstep AS.
ECOPOTENTIAL is a large European-funded H2020 project that focuses its activities on a targeted set of internationally recognised Protected Areas, blending Earth Observations from remote sensing and field measurements, data analysis and modelling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services.
GIS and Remote Sensing are currently some of the most sort after skills for graduates within Geoscience and Geography, both within academia and industry. The Department of Geography will be running a monthly practical workshop throughout the spring semester covering a variety of GIS and Remote Sensing skills.
Johan and Ragnhild are the first-ever conference coordinators at the UiB Collaboratory. This spring, they are up to something big …
A glowing interest in the climate challenges and the need for a transformation of society to minimize these changes made Kårstein Måseide apply for the job as research coordinator at CET. He wants to encourage broad, interdisciplinary climate research.
The C-ROADS model is used in a roleplaying activity to motivate actions to prevent climate change.
Benjamin Aubrey Robson started working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Geography in October. He will continue to research glaciers using remote sensing analyses, but will also focus on rock glaciers, degradation of permafrost, and how changes in the cryosphere are influencing water resources.
Henry Bartelet, a graduate from the European Master Program in System Dynamics, received an Honorable Mention, by the Dana Meadows Award committee at the 2017 International System Dynamics Conference.
Twenty-one students plus five instructors from the National University of Kyiv-Mohlya Academy and Ivan Franco National University of Lviv studied system dynamics in Bergen during the 2016-17 academic year.
This new book, edited by professor Tor Halfdan Aase and published at Oxford University Press, asks to what extent Himalayan farmers and their institutions are prepared to face a future when external production conditions change.
