Department of Geography

News archive for Department of Geography

The UNESCO-conference with the title «Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development» is taking place at UiB 24th -26th of March. 150 delegates from a multitude of nations are participating.
The term ‘REDD+’ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) is a well-articulated discourse in the name of mitigating deteriorating climate and sustaining local livelihoods. Articulation is an act or process of establishing relations between words where independent meaning of words is modified.
Community forestry is increasingly seen as an important component in environmental governance. In the Indian state of Uttarakhand a process of reform has made forest councils compulsory in every village and introduced new rules within which they are to function. In this doctoral project I explore the many views of this contested reform process, taking into consideration current local livelihoods... Read more
Department of Geography is offering the web based course "Critical Perspectives on Environment and Development" in the spring semester 2014.
The glaciers of the Himalayan mountains are some of the most undersampled in the world owing to their remoteness, harsh conditions, and in some areas political situations.
Increasingly, transnational companies are expected to contribute to economic and social development in the countries they operate in. In this doctoral thesis I will examine how the Norwegian corporate social investment and CSR activities affect local communities in Indonesia and Canada, and how local stakeholders receive and perceive such investments.
Grete Rusten, Kerstin Potthoff and Linda Sangolt have edited a new book about Norway.
How do we plan for a comprehensive green economy using modeling and simulation?
An International Workshop sponsored by the Partnership for Action on Green Economy, in collaboration with the Millennium Institute (MI) and the University of Bergen.
If you live in Norway you can now apply for a Master in System Dynamics. Deadline is 15th of April. Click here for more information
The Department of Geography has designed a high quality online course in Natural Resources Management.
Sebastian Derwisch disputerer mandag 17. desember 2012 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen:
Håvard Haarstad has edited a book on natural resource governance in Latin America, published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Harvard Kennedy School Invites you to an information session to learn about our degree programs, admissions procedures & financial aid opportunities
A PhD course and a conference -- both co-organized by the Department of Geography at the University of Bergen -- will take place between 9 and 11 November.
Master Student in System Dynamics Tony Puah received the Dana Meadows Award At the International System Dynamics Conference 2010.
