Research strategy 2016-2019
Here you find the main research strategy for the Department, together with strategies for all the research groups.
Main content
Vision: Better health, better society
The Department of Global Health and Primary Care (IGS) will contribute to better health across all sectors of society, nationally and globally, and will particularly aim to reduce inequalities within health.
We will accomplish this by conducting research on:
- The causes and occurrence patterns of health problems based on data from health registers, medical examinations and biobanks
- The general public’s utilisation of and benefit from primary care services
- Global health challenges
- Personal perceptions of their own health, quality of life, and health service experiences
- Humanitarian and social perspectives on health and health services
Research Goals for this period
- Our research shall be of high quality
- Our research will be relevant to society
- IGS will play a leading role at UiB in researching global challenges
- A strong, communal IGS-culture will be developed through cross-disciplinary collaborations across research groups and using the expertise found at the department
- We will strengthen our international research collaborations, including those with researchers in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC)
- Our research will be visible
- The department will assume a leadership role in the establishment of a Health Cluster at Årstadvollen
- The department will have significance nationally through its responsibilities within the health registries research infrastructure, global health and primary health services
- An increasing proportion of the department’s activity will be funded externally
- Our researchers will conform to high standards of research ethics and competency and will engage in self-critical research ethics practices
- We will have more user participation in our research projects
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