Research school in public health and primary health care
The research school in public health and primary health care organizes seminars and courses for all PhD candidates affiliated with IGS.

Main content
About the research school
The main aim of the research school is to develop a stimulating scientific environment for PhD candidates and medical students in the Medical Student Research Program (“forskerlinjestudenter”) within public health. The research school organizes 2-3 seminars each semester. All PhD candidates and medical students in the Medical Student Research Program who are affiliated with IGS are invited to all seminars. To become a member of the research school, one must attend at least one seminar.
Research school activities
Upcoming seminar:
To be announced.
Previous seminars:
- 17th March 2023: Workshop: "Literature Search for your PhD" with Ida Sletten and Elisabeth Ebner.
- 17th - 18th of October 2022: "How to publish in a good journal"
- 25th of April from 14:15-15:30: "Elevator pitch workshop" with Ricky Heggheim
- 30th of May from 12:00-15:00: "CV workshop" with UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers
- 17th of February 2022: “PhD and mobility” with Jill Anette Opsahl
- 16th of December 2021: “How to communicate with the media?” with Marion Solheim and “The new PhD regulation” with Torunn Olsnes
- 17th-18th of June 2021: “Popular science writing” with at Solstrand hotel
- 26th of February 2021: “Don’t be too hard on yourself – stress and self-compassion in the time of COVID-19” with Per Einar Binder and “Digital mental health services, just a backup?” with Tine Nordgreen
Courses at IGS
IGS offers several courses for PhD candidates.