Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

Evaluation of Manual Therapy Taken Abroad

Main content

Manual therapy is a two-year clinical master's program at the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Bergen (IGS-UiB).


This advanced training course (in Norwegian only) leads to the degree Master in Manual Therapy for physiotherapists (MMT).

In the equivalence assessment of foreign manual therapy programs, emphasis is placed on the study being at the master's degree level, having a minimum duration of one year in manual therapy, and including a minimum of 20 study points in the theoretical foundation of manual therapy and guided skill training in the classroom. NOKUT's requirements for a master's degree assume that the master's thesis is an independent work of at least 30 study points.

Regarding clinical practice, it turns out that foreign programs are significantly different from the manual therapy education at UiB. IGS-UiB has decided that applicants with further education in manual therapy obtained outside the EU/EEA must undergo both supervised practice and a practical test. IGS-UiB requires that you complete 1500 patient consultations and 120 hours of supervision.

To qualify for A8 rates, manual therapists must also take the following three courses: "Differential Diagnosis and Laboratory Tests for MT," "Radiology for MT," and "Insurance-related Topics for Chiropractors and MT."

                               ---o--- (below is text from the website of HOD/SAK) ---o---

                    Norwegian Directorate of Health – Authorization, Education, and Approval

https://helsedirektoratet.no/autorisasjon-utdanning-og-godkjenning/autorisasjon-og-lisens/fysioterapeut#sykmelding-,-rekvisisjon--og-henvisningsrett-og-rett-til-å-utløse-takst-for-manuellterapi-(a8) (in Norwegian)

Further Education Abroad

Physiotherapists with further education in manual therapy from abroad must have approval from the Norwegian Directorate of Health to obtain the right to issue sick notes, requisitions, and referrals. It is a prerequisite that the foreign education is at the same level, has the same scope, and can be equated with an accredited Norwegian master's degree. It is a basic requirement that you have Norwegian authorization as a physiotherapist.

Supervised Practice and Practical Test

You must find a practice site and supervisor yourself. The University of Bergen (UiB) has a list of relevant supervisors and practice sites. UiB will issue a confirmation of temporary entitlement to reimbursement for supervised practice, follow up and assess candidates' logs, conduct a practical test, and document completed practice and passed practical test. Questions about supervised practice and the practical test should be directed to UiB, Institute of Global Health and Social Medicine, email: studie@igs.uib.no.

Courses in Radiology, Differential Diagnosis, and Insurance-related Topics

The University of Bergen offers courses in radiology and differential diagnosis, while the University of Oslo offers courses in insurance-related topics.