Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

News archive for Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

Welcome to the Opening of Global Health Norway - Norwegian Institute for Research, Education and Capacity Building in Global Health
The Global Mental Health research group was present at the 10th European Congress on Tropical Medicine & International Health (ECTMIH), in Antwerp, Belgium.
27-28 March 2017, Silversprings, Kampala, Uganda 2nd National child and adolescent mental health conference 2017
Esprance Kashala-Abotnes, a CIH researcher, is training care-givers in DRC how to prevent Konzo Disease in very young Congolese children.
Justin Tongun is a PhD student at the Centre for International Health (CIH). His home is in South-Sudan.
One of the courses in the Bergen Summer Research School was arranged by the global mental health research group.
Five «students» been selected to take part in the capacity-building project funded by the Gates Foundation. Here we meet Lelisa Fekadu and Getachew Teshome.
Researchers from the Global Priorities research group and the Gates project have prepared an activity to help Norwegian 7th graders in Bergen understand global health inequalities.
UiB’s highest education prize for 2017, the Owl Prize, has been awarded to the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), “Occupational Health in Developing Countries”.
CIH researcher, Tehmina Mustafa, has developed a new robust, rapid, sensitive, and specific test for TB, implementable in low-resource settings!
The 2016 Global Burden of Disease Study has been published as a special edition in the Lancet, and in a accompanying podcast you can listen to professor Ole Frithjof Norheim discussing Ethiopia's path towards the SDGs.
Things get started 10 August!
Associated Professor Kristine Bærøe spent one month as a visiting researcher at the Ethox Centre at Oxford University. She recently published a blog post on Ethoxblog, addressing the question of necessary training in research ethics.
The Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care (IGS) held its annual Department Day in the University Aula, 10 May.
The University of Bergen (UiB) has 3 strategic multidisciplinary focus areas. One of these, “Global Challenges”, was officially launched 15 May 2017.
Results from the VIRTUES study will be presented at a focused symposium at the 2nd Congress for Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 22-24 May 2017 in Maastricht, the Netherlands
