Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

News archive for Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

In 2015, it was estimated that 1 of 10 Ugandan children do not live beyond their fifth birthday and in total, 39,000 new-born die every year.
Halvering i barnedødelighet er den mest grunnleggende positive endringen vi ser innenfor global helse, mener Dagfinn Høybråten, tidligere helseminister og styreleder for vaksinealliansen Gavi.
CISMAC co-organised a symposium on how to incorporate concerns to health equity into randomized control trials (RCTs)
Reflections on the unintended consequences of the promotion of institutional pregnancy and birth care
The CISMAC team is happy to announce the inclusion of a new study on child development in rural Pakistan.
In 2015, CISMAC scientists focused on finalizing formative research, protocols and instruments, and on obtaining ethical approvals. One of the studies started the recruitment of participants.
Two researchers from Bergen were involved in a project evaluating women´s perception, utilization and experience of a professional midwifery service in rural Afghanistan in the time around childbirth.
The Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen offers a Master Degree in Global Health.
Large-scale and long-term, RCTs can, in turn, generate further research projects and capacity-strengthening opportunities.
The University of Bergen, Centre for International Health and two other partners in the educational network TropEd have been collaborating since 2016 to create an Erasmus plus project in Global Health Education that involves students being virtually mobile instead of physically so.
The HI-TRAIN collaboration has established capacity-building courses in Health Information Technology in Kenya and Uganda that will continue after the project period.
Here are the presentations from the research seminar December 13, 2017.
On the third year of its launching, the Joint PhD program between the University of Bergen-Norway and Hawassa University-Ethiopia is showing remarkable success. It has so far enrolled 18 PhD candidates conducting their studies at both universities.
Professor Ole Frithjof Norheim is co-authoring a new Lancet article giving recommendations on how to organize the Disease Control Priorities findings to best promote universal health coverage.
Uhuru Kenyatta was declared president elect despite elections not having taken place in 25 constituencies in four counties in the 26 October election
