Department of Government
New publication

The 2024 European Election in Finland: Political Dynamics and Economic Challenges

Corentin Poyet has contributed to a special issue on 2024 European Parliament Election with a piece on Finland.

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The European election is the second election to have taken place in Finland in 2024. In February, the country elected its new president, Alexander Stubb, a member of the mainstream right-wing conservative National Coalition Party (Kokoomus or Kok).

The general election led to a coalition government. This coalition, described as an “unhappy marriage,” includes the populist Finns Party, the Swedish People’s Party, and the Christian Democrats. The coalition faced immediate tensions, including a vote of no confidence against the minister of economy. The European election occurred amid economic austerity measures, such as VAT increases and pension cuts, which tested the government’s popularity. Despite dissatisfaction with government policies, voter turnout did not surge, but the election highlighted potential intra-coalition conflicts.

Acess the article from the following link below: 

The 2024 European election in Finland | Cairn.info