Principal clarinet, The Royal Danish Orchestra
Masterclass with Lee Morgan, clarinet

Lee Morgan
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Masterclass with Lee Morgan
Principal clarinetist at The Royal Danish Orchestra, teacher at The Royal Danish Academy of Music and "Play with a Pro" profil.
Day | Time | Venue |
Mondag 15/09 | kl. 10-13 & 15-18 | Gunnar Sævigs Sal, Griegakademiet |
kl. 18 | D'Addario (Rico) produktpresentasjon ved Jean-François Bescond (Gunnar Sævigs Sal, Griegakademiet) | |
Tuesday 16/09 | kl. 10-13 & 15-18 | Gunnar Sævigs Sal, Griegakademiet |
The workshop is open and free for everyone to attend to. No application. The doors at the academy are closed at 15:00, so if you want to come, please send a mail to